I always dreamed in becoming a author.
When I was twelve, my uncle gave me a book called: 'Notes To Myself'.' I had already started to write short stories and shared them with my family and friends before reading the book about a personal writing journey about the author applying short stories, poems and personal thoughts of his life.As I began writing my own journey about my personal experiences while making that 'huge' transition into adulthood, through a teenagers perspective, the muse started speaking! I started writing poetry after my first real boyfriend broke up with me that lead to be the turning point that boomed my love towards writing.
But I didn't stop with poetry. I started writing songs. I wrote daily journals throughout my teenage years, placing my thoughts down on paper, the words I would never share so I could reflect on my youthful life at a later time.
As I became an adult, I wrote for an escape. I escaped into a different world. A world that I created, controlled and mastered. And sometimes, mastered me. Characters I have found do this. You start writing a story, have your plot outlined in your head and begin... to discover as you're writing that one of your characters decides to change the way you have intended him to be. Happens to me more often and all for the better.
I enjoy writing. For me it's like someone who sits and plays 'WOW' or another type of 'Roll Playing Games' where you escape into another dimension and into a world that has no limits. You set the theme and plot, develop the heroine, decided on the villain and go from there. I really love this!
When I write, I explorer taboo's and elements I normally would never touch in real life taking it by the horns and running with it! This I find very enjoyable.
In closing, I simply write because I not only love to, feeling the freedom to explore all I can in worlds and lives my imagination permits, but allowing myself to let loose from the world around.